Bold Mission Builders could not carry out our mission without the incredible support of our wonderful volunteers and sponsors. From the worksite, sanctuary and living room our many benefactors reach out and give of themselves to further the glory of God’s Kingdom through their GIVING, GOING and PRAYING.
Although we function as a mission ministry of the Stone Mountain Baptist Association, Bold Mission Builders receives a large part of our annual funding needs through church and personal offerings. While a small portion of our budget is received through monthly designations from several churches, most of our budget comes from personal love offerings and the pockets of our volunteers.
Currently our budget supports four Team Leaders, each with a trailer and tools, who travel throughout the year to the various projects. As you can imagine, even under normal usage, the wear and tear on their personal vehicles and trailers as they travel all year long can be extensive. Likewise tools, power equipment and working supplies not provided by the individual projects wear at an even faster rate. Lodging and per diem expenses not covered by a project are usually paid out of pocket by our team leaders and volunteers.
Even though we receive generous financial support from all our benefactors, the needs of BMB can at times tax our annual budget. While the budget handles most of these expenses, occasionally our Team Leaders have to use their own funds to repair or replace items. You can help by giving a love offering to BMB to support our year round efforts.
Contact Joel atOR send your Love Offering to:
Bold Mission Builders
Stone Mountain Baptist Association
P. O. Box 911, 1200 Green Street
Conyers, Georgia 30012
Make checks payable to: Bold Mission Builders
All love offerings in support of this ministry are very much appreciated!
All BMB projects have a variety of needs depending on the work. The many volunteers who participate in each project are probably our most valuable resource (second only to the power and help that comes from God). These people come from all walks of life, all age groups, and all skill levels.
Skilled tradesmen are a Godly blessing and God always provides the people who are skilled in each craft necessary to construct a building. With the patient and helpful assistance of these individuals, unskilled volunteers quickly realize that they can do things they never dreamed possible. If you are “in the trades” your volunteer time is greatly desired and we strongly encourage you to donate your time to a BMB project.
However, the greatest majority of our volunteers are everyday working people with little professional skilled trade experience. Our volunteers have many skill levels ranging from inexperienced Youth, home DIY’ers and paraprofessionals. No matter your skill level, your help is needed. We leverage the knowledge of our skilled tradesmen in collaboration with our volunteers in teams that together can produce professional quality results far beyond what YOU may think you can achieve! God can use anyone, no matter their abilities, age, gender or physical condition. Anyone with the desire to help can find a place to serve with us on our projects, whether it is in support roles, site preparation, logistical help or meal preparation. We encourage ANYONE who wants to help in ANY area!
The future of BMB lies with the spirit of our Youth and we encourage Youth participation at every level of work. Youth Groups have contributed in every area of a BMB project from framing and roofing to painting and finishing work. Consider a BMB project for your Youth Group!
Regardless of your skill level we can find a place for you to contribute! The one thing all our volunteers have in common is a love for the Lord and a desire to be a part of what He is doing. No matter your skill level, if you have the desire to help, please do not hesitate to contact Joel or another BMB Team Leader to volunteer.
As important as the workers on site, equally important is the spiritual power of prayer from our supporters. Keeping BMB in your prayers and supporting us through your church, Youth Group or Sunday School Class is as important to us as hands at work. Pray for safety, guidance and support as our teams go forth to build God’s Kingdom.